Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My house

I live in a flat, in the first floor. It has got four bedrooms, one living room, two bathrooms, the kitchen and one terrace. My bedroom has got a bed, one desk, one wardrove and a bedside table. In the living room there is a bookcase where there is the TV. Too, there is a big dining table with his four chairs, one sofa, two armchairs and one coffee table.
The kitchen has got a fridge, a washing machine, a dishwasher and a cooker.
The two bathrooms have got a shower, a bath and a sink.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miriam

    La plantas de un edificio se dicen con la preposición "on" "on the first floor". cuando hablas de la mesa del comedor, no te olvides que el adjetivo posesivo que le corresponde es "its four chairs"

    Very good. Your essay is great.


    Ana Vázquez.
