Blog creado para que los alumnos de Inglés Elemental del CUID para practicar su primeras redacciones y colaborar corrigiendo las de sus compañeros.

Friday, November 11, 2011
This blog has been created for you to start writing brief compositions about whatever you want. The idea is that you should correct each other, but I will also keep an eye on your writings and correct and comment where necessary. I know it is still very soon for you to produce extensive texts, but whenever you feel ready you are welcome to participate.
Este blog ha sido creado para que vosotros empecéis a escribir breves redacciones sobre lo que se os ocurre. La idea es, que debéis corregiros los unos a los otros, pero yo también estaré al tanto para corregir y comentar donde se necesite. Sé que todavía es muy pronto para que vosotros produzcáis textos extensos, pero cuando quiera que os sentís preparados, podéis participar.
Kindest regards,
Ann Thorsson TAR
Friday, June 24, 2011
What do you enjoy doing?
I enjoy meeting whit my friends and then we go to restaurant or to the cinema. Also, I like doing some sports. I enjoy plays basketball and ride bicycle. I like running too.
On the summer, when I don't work because I have holiday, my family and I go to the beach. We have got a small apartment near of Valencia and we always go when we can. My children like a lot.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Often, on weekends we like going to the movies or at museums.
Sometimes, mi family and I are going to the beach on weekend. We love it because we are enjoying too much. On Friday afternoon we take our car by spend good time at the seaside house. My husband and I like walking barefoot on the beach while the children are playing a ball or making castles. On Sunday in the evening we come back at home, in the town; now start a week hard work.
Friday, June 3, 2011
I enjoy doing somethings such as: reading a book, watching a romantic film on TV or listening to music. Finally, I like doing different things.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
In my spare time I like going to the cinema with my housband. We usually are going once or twice a month.
On weekends I enjoy meetting with my family and talking about the week with them.
All days, after dinner I like watching TV. I watch films, news, etc...
At nigth,, before I go to sleep I like reading books. Now I'm reading The Catcher in the Ryde but it's dificult for me because my english is poor and this is the cause that I study English.
My housband name's Joaquin. He's Spanish. He is strong. He isn't tall but he isn't short. His eyes are green and he has brown and short hair. He is a good and hardworking man.
He lives with my in Melilla but he is from Laroya, Almeria.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Description physique and character.
I'm very dicreet and agreeable, I'm never sad, I like laugh much and help the persons.
I have very good friends and family big, I like to como weekend with they.
We lunch together and w're very happy.
The summer we go to the mountains with the bicicles, we do exercise physique.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
My daily routine
I wake up at seven o'clock and I have breakfast a glass de milk and toast, and I wacht TV.
I take a shower and I drive to work at a quarter after eight, I take the bus.
I work and office until two thirty, I get home and I've a lunch.
I rest until six thirty, I work the computer in home.
I study at ten o'clock English.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My daugthers are estudents, I go work at morning the bank, and afternoon we are home.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A typical day
At the afternoon I go to work again until eight and a half. Everyday after work I go t dance flamenco. I dance one or two hours each day. It's fun and I like dance!
I get home at ten or eleven on the evening. I take a shower, I have dinner, I watch TV or read a book and I go to bed at one. I'm very tired!
Who is she?
She has got a sister and she's an actress too. Sometimes they make photographics sittings for a fashion store and they design togheter woman's clothes.
She's married and now she lives with her husband in the United States. They've got a son. Her husband is an actor too and now they're so happies because they have got a good works, they are famous and their personal life is great.
She isn't very tall but she's a beautiful woman. She's thin, she has a long brown hair and a big brown eyes.
Who is she?
Monday, May 23, 2011
The town where I live
Monday, May 9, 2011
Villaviciosa has a lot of green sapace and it doesn't have building more of four floor. There are different housing estate and I live in one. It is very calm; I can listen the birds from muy window when I wake up in the morning. But it has a drawback what is the public transport, it is very little.
In the village there is a castle built in sixteenth century and it was the official residence of King Fernando VI in 1.758. It is very good preserved and actually it is use as archive of the Army of Air, but it can be visited once a year in the month of September.
Write about what kind of food you normally eat
At noon, I usually have a cup of coffee with milk only. When I get home after work, I eat some salad with lettuce, tomatoes, chees, olives, bacon and tuna for lunch.
Sometimes I have some soap with vegetables, too.
I usually have one yogourt for dessert or one piece of fruit.
At eight or night o'clock, in the evening, I make the dinner. The dinner is very light. I usually eat a salad and one piece of fruit, apple, pineapple. In other times, I eat a small vegetal sandwich or a sandwich of chesse with turkey, for example.
Sometimes, we go to Mac'donalds and eat one hamburguer with cheese. And, we make one pizza in the oven on fridays in the evening.
Dear Carmen:
How are you? How’s the new job?
The course is finished after many month of hard work at the School in Liverpool. Once more I’m planning to spend some days at the beach for the summer vacation. This year I’m thinking to visit my friend Carlos in July. He keeps a big old seaside house in Spain. Carlos says: it will be fun! I going to meet his daughter Alice; she is a beautiful girl four years old. I’m happy; I think it will be a great holiday.
I hope see you soon. I miss you.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Boring job
At the night I have dinner about ten o'clock and later I watch the televisión or I read a book until what I go to the bed.
I have two brother and they have also two children each one. My wife has two brothers and one sister. They have too two children each one, so we have eight nephew and two nieces.
We have also a lot of aunt and uncles, because my parents and my mother-in law had a lot of brothers and sisters.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
A description of your house or apartment
It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is one refrigerator and a dishwasher in the kitchen.
There is a big living room too. My house has a terrace with one table and four chairs.
Usually, we use the terrace on Summer.
We have one apartment near of the beach in the north of the country. This apartment is very small. It has one bedroom only. There is a very small kitchen and the living room is small too.
Usually we use the apartment once a month and on Holyday's Summer.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I live with my parents in a big house. My house has two floors and a little back garden. On the first floor, there are two rooms, a living room, kitchen and a small bathroom. The living room has modern furniture. There’s a big dinning table where we eat; a largue white couch, coffee table and a lot of shelves. We watch TV in the living room. The kitchen is big, too. We have a stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher, refrigerator and a small table on which we prepare meals.
On the second floor, there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms. My parents have a big bedroom. My brothers’ bedroom is in front of the garden, but my bedroom isn’t. I study in my bedroom because I have a desk in front of the window; I can see the street from it. The walls of my bedroom are yellow and the furniture is brown. The children’s bedroom is green and there are drawings on the walls. They play in their bedroom.
There’s a barbecue in the garden. On weekends we eat together there.
Friday, April 29, 2011
The free time activities you like and when yo do them
I practise Yoga, too. May classroom of Yoga is on Thursday in the afternoon. This activity give a lot of peace to me.
Sometimes, I walk for the park very quickly.
I love go to the beach an the Sea. Always I go to the beach on Summer's holydays. I know, Lanzarote, Mallorca and Menorca. There are very nice places.
I have a small apartment in Foz (Lugo) and I go once a month.
We like the caravanning too.
I practise others activities using my computer, every day in the evening. I use the social nets and Internet.
A typical day of my life
At half past seven, I take the underground to go to work in Madrid.
I go home at for o'clock in the afternoon. I pick up my child at school. We play in the park with his friends. At eight o'clock, we have the dinner and watch tv.
Usually, I go to bed at midnight.
My Family
My husband has a mother and one brother and one sister. They live in Oxford. His brother and sister are married too and we have five nephews. My husband doesn't have grandparents.
My parents live in Camdbridge. I have one sister. She is married and have two children; one boy and one girl.
I have two grandparents. They are my mother's parents. They live in a little village in the field. They have three daugters. Every one have two children. I have four cousins.
“Toledo on Friday”
On Friday, my youngest sister and I went to Toledo for the afternoon. We took the train in Madrid at three fifty and arrive to Toledo at Four thirty. We had a good time playing with our niece Tina. She’s very nice, has big eyes, small cute nose and curly black hair.
She lives with her mom and grandparents, dad doesn’t lives with Tina. Their house is big and beautiful; there are garden and swimming pool. Tina’s pet is a small rabbit; Daisy is a sweet bunny soft fur, she lives in a big cage in the garden, is very cute. Tina loves to pick up Daisy, but Daisy doesn’t like the height, she’s very scared…..
Sunday, April 24, 2011
After holidays
Monday, April 18, 2011
“In a better world”
Thursday, April 14, 2011
My Family
My sister is a very pretty woman. She is brown and has the long hair.
She is married to Carlos. My brother-in-law is very funny and a good-looking man.
They are a beautiful daughter. My niece is very cute. She always has a wonderful smile.
I´m a aunt so happy!!
My father´s name is Argelio. He is widowed. My mother died four years ago. We miss her very much. She will be in my heart forever.
My father is a middle-aged man. He is short, dark and always has moustache.
My father has in his house my two dogs “Hermes” and “Luna” that also they are of the family.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Recipe number one.-
We need a bag of baby spinaches, some small tomatoes, pine nuts and another seeds, too. We also need some raisins and two slices of goat French cheese.
For the sauce we need some olive oil, salt, black pepper, apple cider vinegar and berries jam.
Open the bag of spinaches and put in a plate. Add half cuted tomatoes and all seeds. Grill the cheese in the oven and serve over the salad. Finally, mix in a cup some oil, salt, pepper, vinegar and a tablespoon of berries jam and add to the vegetable salad.
Recipe number two.-
We need some lettuce, two tomatoes, an onion, one avocado pear, a hard boiled egg, some tuna and fresh cheese. We also need some olive oil, pepper, salt, Dijon mustard and some lemon juice, too.
Cut the lettuce, the tomatoes and onion and put together in a bowl. Then, add the tuna, sliced egg and avocado pear. Finally add cheese and mix the mustard, salt and pepper and one teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of oil.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Let's make a salad!
I'm Ana Vázquez, and now I think you can write how to make a salad. We have learnt some information about food and in some modules of Burlington you have done something similar.
So, now, let's make a salad! Tell me how you make your favourite salad.
See you,
Ana Vázquez
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I get up early in the morning, at six o’clock. I go to run along the beach which is near my apartment.After one hour, I return home and I take a hot shower in my bathroom. At half past seven I have breakfast and I read the newspaper. My breakfast is American: I drink orange juice and coffee with milk; I have one slice of bread with butter, bacon and eggs and some cheese.
I don’t live in the center, so at eight o’clock I take the subway to go to work. I don’t drive. My job is in a building of the city. I’m an engineer and I have meeting on Mondays and Tuesdays.
At noon I have lunch in the cafeteria. It’s on the first floor. I finish work around three o’clock. Then, at a quarter past three, I go to The Nautical Club. I like swimming. In the afternoon I go to the supermarket and I buy fruit and vegetables for dinner.
On Thursdays I don’t work and I can help my parents in the books store. There are many old books on shelves and I like looking at them. On Fridays evening my boyfriend and I go to the cinema or a disco.
Before I go to bed I like reading, listening to music or watching TV.
On weekends in the morning I study English at the library but in the afternoon, my boyfriend and I go to our friends’ house.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
ingredients to make a vegetable salad
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My free time activities
Every day I go to walk, one hour in the morning and another hour in the evening.
On Thursday in the morning I go to classes of paint from ten o'clock until twelve thirty. I like to paint. I paint many things. I pass a lot time to paint at home.
I read a lot too. I read the newspaper every day. From Monday until Friday I read the news online, only on Saturday and Sunday I buy the newspaper. I read many books too.
I like going to theater, cinema and concerts. I like hearing classic music. I have many classic music CD.
I don't like to travel. It is very expensive and very tired.
March, 22/03/2011
My family is big. I have three brothers and one sister. Their names are Jose, Pedro, Juan and Ana. They all have children. My first brother, Jose, has four children, two granddaughters and one grandson. He likes playing the drums and the guitar. His children work in an office, but he doesn’t have a job.
I have many nieces and nephews. My favorite is Eva. She’s 14 years old and she’s a very good student. She’s Pedro’s daughter, my second brother. Her parents work at home with computers. They are programmers.
My other brother, Juan, is middle-aged. He’s 49 years old and his wife works at home too, but she isn’t a programmer, she’s a housewife.
My sister Ana lives in Madrid with her husband and her beautiful children. She’s young and she’s married to Luis. I don’t see her because she doesn’t like flying (she doesn’t like taking airplanes). I talk to her by telephone every weekend.
I don’t have a father, but I have a mother. Her name is Rosa and she lives in my brother Jose’s house. She comes to my house on Saturdays and Sundays. My husband and I have lunch with her and with my aunt Luisa every Saturday because I like cooking very much. My husband and I live alone at home because our son doesn’t live with us. We also have a dog and its puppy is at my son’s house. My son’s name is Carlos and he lives with his family in another city. He’s a student and he works, too. He’s 30 years old and he has a daughter. In the morning he goes to work at the pet store. He likes animals very much. In the afternoon his wife and he work at a school until eight o’clock. They need a babysitter for their daughter. Carlos studies on the weekends. We always see each other every winter and summer.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What do you do in your free time?

Saturday, March 19, 2011
What do you do in your free time?
Os he propuesto un pequeño ejercicio de redacción. El pequeño ejercicio de redacción que os he propuesto que intentaseis hacer, "what do you do in your free time?". Se trata de que habléis de las actividades que hacéis en vuestro tiempo libre, muy en general. Tendríais que empezar por: " My name is.... I work in.... but I do a lot of things in my free time. On Mondays, I...." (Mi nombre es.... Trabajo en .... pero hago muchas cosas en mi tiempo libre. Los lunes....)
Mucho ánimo y no dejéis de practicar.
Un saludo,
Ana Vázquez
Tutora de Apoyo en Red
A typical day in your life.
Se trata de que contéis un poco todas las rutinas que hacéis en vuestra vida cotidiana, para practicar con el presente simple y también con el vocabulario de rutinas y actividades, las horas... Por ejemplo: I get up at eight o'clock, then (después) I have breakfast at half past eight.... Mucho ánimo y no dejéis de escribir, porque es fundamental que escribáis todo lo que podáis.
Un saludo,
Ana Vázquez
Tutora de Apoyo en Red
A description of a friend or relative.
I'm here again to suggest an essay. In this case you have to write a description of a friend or a person in your family or someone famous. Describe their appearance, their personality, and give some information about their life and their likes and dislikes.
Cheer up!!
Ana Vázquez