Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Good evening, my name is Loly, I have two daugthers, Mary the old twenty one years and Raquel the old nineteen years, their father is Carlos the old fourty years. We live the home with five room but at summer we go to the camp.
My daugthers are estudents, I go work at morning the bank, and afternoon we are home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loly

    Mary is twenty one years old" Si pones "years" tienes que poner "old", pero después de "years" pero no antes. "His father is Carlos, he is 40 years old" "home" es "hogar" si quieres decir "casa" es "house" y si quieres decir piso es "flat". Ir al campo es "go to the countryside". "students" "In the morning, I go to work at the bank and in the afternoon we are at home".


    Ana Vázquez
