Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My free time activities

I have a lot free time. I don't work. I am retired. In my free time I like reading, painting, listening to music and walking.
Every day I go to walk, one hour in the morning and another hour in the evening.
On Thursday in the morning I go to classes of paint from ten o'clock until twelve thirty. I like to paint. I paint many things. I pass a lot time to paint at home.
I read a lot too. I read the newspaper every day. From Monday until Friday I read the news online, only on Saturday and Sunday I buy the newspaper. I read many books too.
I like going to theater, cinema and concerts. I like hearing classic music. I have many classic music CD.
I don't like to travel. It is very expensive and very tired.

March, 22/03/2011

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angela

    "go to walk for a..." Mejor, "on Thursday morning..." "painting classes..." "I like painting" recuerda que después de "like/dislike..." usamos un verbo en gerundio. "I spend a lot of time painting..." "spend" es pasar tiempo y después necesitas un gerundio, como en castellano. "I like going to the theater" falta el artículo. "I like listening to ..." "escuchar" es "listen to" "I have many classical music CDs" tiene que estar en plural y el adjetivo para la música es "classical" y por último "I don't like travelling / traveling..."

    EStá muy bien, Ángela, no te preocupes por los errores porque son normales y se pueden corregir que aún queda mucho tiempo. Cuanto más practiques ya verás que mejor te saldrán.

    Un saludo,

    Ana Vázquez
